Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Getting the Word Out

Since I created this blog, I've given pumpkin noodle hearts to four women.  They all have different stories: one was in the process of adopting a child and has since welcomed that child into her family; one very tragically lost a child at 23 weeks gestation; one was just completing a cycle of IVF; and one was newly pregnant, after having struggled with infertility for years. 

The hearts represent different things to each of these women, but the one thing that unites them all in my mind is love: love for the children that might have been, love for the children that are to come.  Women (and men) struggling with fertility challenges endure so much uncertainty, pain (both physical and emotional), joy, hope, grief, jealousy, anger . . . really the gamut of emotions.  They do this because of love for those little ones living in their hearts that they hope one day to hold by the hands.  I know that's the reason I did it. 

I just created a Facebook page to help get the word out about pumpkin noodle hearts.  It's called "Pumpkin Noodles for Healing and Hope," and I hope you will check it out and recommend it to anyone in your life who might benefit from it.

Wishing you so much peace and love.


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